Create a comic titled The Most Dangerous Substance in the World. The story begins with an intense mystery, showing a black screen that transitions to glowing red text revealing the theme. Explore common guesses like acid, venom, and bombs, then lead to the reveal: the dangerous substance is garbage leachate (toxic liquid from trash). Illustrate its devastating effects on the environment and health, with visuals of dying trees, polluted water, and diseases. Show the problem worsening due to irregular trash disposal. Finally, provide a hopeful solution: encourage disposing of trash between 8–10 PM, ending with clean cityscapes and a positive message about collective action for a healthier environment."

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Create a comic titled The Most Dangerous Substance in the World. The story begins with an intense mystery, showing a black screen that transitions to glowing red text revealing the theme. Explore common guesses like acid, venom, and bombs, then lead to the reveal: the dangerous substance is garbage leachate (toxic liquid from trash). Illustrate its devastating effects on the environment and health, with visuals of dying trees, polluted water, and diseases. Show the problem worsening due to irregular trash disposal. Finally, provide a hopeful solution: encourage disposing of trash between 8–10 PM, ending with clean cityscapes and a positive message about collective action for a healthier environment."



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